We see the Scalabrini Charism share with the laity since our beginnings. Saint Scalabrini soon realized the vastity of this human migration phenomenon. He founded the Congregation of Missionaries’ Fathers, Brothers, and Sisters. But it was not enough.
On April 12, 1889 Saint Scalabrini founded the St. Raphael Society for Lay Missionaries. They were first in the seaport of embarkment and dis-embarkment in Italy and US. Ever since, lay missionaries were sent throughout our missions, at times more and at times less. But our Charism remains in the heart of many lay missionaries in the continents, nations and missions when the migrants need us.

To live the Christian vocation in an ecclesial dimension as shared in the Scalabrinian charism, vocation and mission.
To proclaim and serve Jesus Christ as migrants, displaced people, refugees, seafarers, fishers, and human traffic victims.
Christians committed about the phenomenon of migration, sharing in their journey in whatever way they can serve, embracing the evangelical vocation.
“I was a migrant and you welcomed me.” Mt: 25-35.
To know and love St. Scalabrini and his Charism and spirituality.
To know and love migrants, refugees, seafarers and fishers.
To pray and support our Scalabrinian mission.
To get involved locally, guided by the Scalabrinian Spiritual Directors.
Coordination of the Scalabrinian Lay Missionary in
St. Frances Cabrini Province
Lay Scalabrinians
The same missionary Charism
Lay Scalabrinians are men and women, both adults and young, who, following a period of Scalabrinian missionary formation, commit themselves to the work of evangelization in the local church in synergy with Scalabrinian Missionary Priests, Brothers, and Sisters.
They are guided by the same prophetic Charism and by the same compassion for migrants and refugees regardless of culture, religion, language or administrative situation.
The laity have already organized some regional, national and world encounters, considered decisive for a return of the lay commitment in developing, updating and renewing the Scalabrinian service to the Church. Lay volunteers and Lay Scalabrinian Missionaries spend a set amount of time with migrants and refugees in their own countries or abroad.
If you are interested in becoming a
Lay Scalabrinian please contact:
In the Philippines:
Fr. Roger Manolo, cs
Fr. Alvirio Mores, cs
In Vietnam:
Ho Chi Minh:
Fr. Nguyen Tien Khiem, cs
In Japan:
Fr. Tin Dang Trung, cs
In Taiwan:
Fr. Khoa Truong Van, cs
Fr. Ansensius Guntur, cs
Fr. Duy Trinh Nguyen, cs
In Indonesia:
Fr. Miguel de Araujo Bestias, cs
In Australia:
Dee Why, NSW - Warringah Parish:
Fr. Restituto Ogsimer, cs
Mt Pritchard, NSW - Our Lady of Mt Carmel Parish:
Fr. Fransiskus Yangminta, cs
Lalor, VIC - St Luke’s Parish:
Fr. Luan Lang Kinh, cs
Brisbane, QLD - Holy Spirit Parish:
Fr. Syrilus Madin, cs