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Celebrating 39 Years of Scalabrinian Arrival in the Philippines

Updated: Oct 6, 2021

With much joy and pride, we celebrate 39 years of the Scalabrinian presence in Asia's first most Catholic country in the world, the Philippines.

Beginning from the first pioneer Scalabrinian Fathers, who arrived in the Philippines in 1982, to the Fathers present in 2021, they have left their pastoral stamp in their service for migrants, seafarers, fishermen, and refugees.

We can find hundreds of beautiful testimonies that have been written in the hearts of people who have seen the migrant face of Christ through the apostolic service of our Scalabrinian brothers.

In 1980, the General Superior, in his report to the General Chapter of that year, stressed, among other points, the necessity of a wider vocational promotion in all the provinces. For the Province of St. Frances Cabrini (then only in Australia), its Provincial Superior, Fr. Dominic Ceresoli, CS in his report to the same General Chapter 1980, wrote that, “while a vocation promotion effort is being carried on in Australia, the question is raised whether this effort should be made in the countries from which the migrants come; in particular, in the countries of Asia.” He went on to state: “In Australia itself the need is felt to have missionaries of different nationalities, since migrants into Australia are no longer Italian, but of other nationalities.”

On a circular letter to the members of the Australia Province in 1981, the same Provincial Superior Ceresoli wrote: “We are becoming increasingly aware of the need of new workers in the vineyard of the Lord, workers who are attracted by the ideal of Bishop Scalabrini... The future of our Province depends also from our capacity to raise from these lands “young people” who, inspired by the Scalabrinian ideal, commit themselves to share with us the service to those who happen to take their turn in the migration flux.”

The Assembly of Scalabrinian Major Superiors of 1981, issued a more precise invitation, “In view of the vastness of the new migratory movements and of the need to respond to the most urgent needs, (this Assembly) “invites the Province of Australia to study in close cooperation with the General Administration the possibility to establish a base of vocational promotion in the Philippines.”

In February 1982, during the Provincial Assembly of Australia Province, Fr. Silvano Tomasi, CS, Vicar General of the Scalabrinian Congregation, and Fr. Dominic Ceresoli, CS, Provincial Superior, presented a detailed proposal for the establishment of a vocational promotion base in the Philippines.

Several Fathers responded favourably by saying that “such a proposal was bringing new life into our Province which was otherwise at risk of becoming stagnant. It was truly a journey wanted by Providence.” When after some discussion the Provincial Superior asked for a vote of confidence, “the assembly responded with a clamorous applause."

From the 1st to the 7th of March 1982, Fr. Silvano Tomasi, CS and Fr. Dominic Ceresoli, CS encouraged also by a warm invitation extended to our Congregation by Cardinal Sin, Archbishop of Manila, visited several Religious Congregations in Manila and on the 2nd of March they met with Cardinal Sin, who gave his approval to the opening of a base of vocational promotion in his Archdiocese. These two Fathers concluded their report of this visit to Manila by stating that “the realisation of this project in the Philippines not only responds to the request of our Rules of Life, given the present Filipino migration, but is realistically based on the vocational potential that is offered by the Filipino families that are religious and numerous (with many children), a factor which is missing in many industrialised nations.”

The first Scalabrinian missionaries, Frs. Anthony Paganoni, CS, John Iacono, CS and Luigi Sabbadin, CS, arrived in Manila during the months of September-November 1982. They spent the first two years in initial contacts and gathering of information.

In May 1984, the first group of Scalabrinian candidates began their formation in what today is called “The Mission House”, 39, 7th Street, New Manila. In 1985, the seminarians transferred to the nearby newly built Scalabrini Formation Center, n. 41, also 7th Street, New Manila. In 1986, the first group of candidates were sent to do their novitiate in Italy, for two years. After their first vows in 1988, some were assigned to have their Theology in Italy and most of them, having returned to the Philippines, began their Theology in the Scalabrini Formation Center together with the pre-novitiate candidates. In 1989 these Theology students moved to a newly acquired property in n 4, 13th Street, always New Manila. After staying for 3 years in the existing wooden building, in 1992 they took up permanent residence in the Scalabrini Theological House of Studies, newly built in the same compound. The 1st and 2nd of June 1992, 4 Scalabrinians were ordained priests and two professed missionary brothers began their mission in the Province.

In his report to the General Chapter of 1992, the Provincial Superior observed that “our Province, from being a Province without direct commitment in seminary formation, became a Province in which seminary formation demands and will demand the commitment of a good portion of its personnel and financial resources."

Other developments followed: the beginning of Novitiate in the Philippines in 1993: first, housed at no. 39, 7th Street, then in n. 41, 7th Street, in 2001 it moved to an annex in the theology compound, 4A 13th Street, and finally in 2004 to the house in Cebu.

The Cebu newly built seminary had been first used for our philosophy students, beginning from 1997; then it remained empty for 2 years (2002-2004), until it became finally the permanent seat of the Novitiate. As of August 2010, in the same location, a newly built house for our Postulants was opened.

We can mention the following pastoral services: Apostleship of the Sea (AOS), the two Stella Maris Centers (Ermita and Pius); Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerary People (ECMI), the Scalabrini Migration Centre (SMC), and the Scalabrini Centre for People on the Move (SCPM).

Other openings outside Australia soon followed: Taiwan in 1994, Indonesia in 2002, Japan in 2003, and Viet Nam in 2005.

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Oct 13, 2021

The seminary in Cebu was blessed by His Eminence Ricardo Cardinal Vidal on August 24, 1996 as the picture shows. The construction started in 1995. It was supervised by Fr. Savino Bernardi, cs. The Postulancy building was blessed on December 28, 2010 and it's construction was supervised by Fr. Paulo Prigol, cs.

The second picture showing Frs. Tony Fregolent, Dominic Ceresoli, Maurizio Pettena' and Mario Volpato was taken in 1995 in front of the old house of the former owners of the property in Cebu.

Leo Bobila cs

Cebu Novitite


Oct 12, 2021

I liked and, as far as I know (I was 20 years in the formation houses in the Philippines (1994-2014), I approve the short history above on the Scalabrinian presence in the Philippines. Many thanks to the author of the article. Fr. Joseph Visentin, cs

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