Manila, November 10, 2024

On November 10, 2024, during his visit to the Scalabrini Theological House of Studies (STHS), Fr. Martin Ignacio Gutierrez, CS, Provincial Superior of the St. Frances Cabrini Province, celebrated the Sunday Mass with the community. The Mass was a momentous occasion as Fr. Gutierrez presided over the installation of three Brothers to the ministry of Acolyte: Br. Bui Van Ha, CS, Br. Klaudius Heronimus Luruk, CS, and Br. Heronimus Rambak, CS. This sacred rite marked an important milestone in their formation, recognizing their growing role in the liturgical life of the Church, particularly in assisting with the celebration of the Eucharist.
Additionally, four Brothers, Br. Daniel C. Marroquin, CS, Br. Nguyen Trong Khuong, CS, Br. Yohanes Nepomusenus, CS, and Br. Saul H. G. Cabrera, CS, were instituted to the ministry of Lector. As lectors, they are entrusted with the solemn responsibility of proclaiming the Word of God, a key aspect of the Church's mission of evangelization and spiritual formation.
The STHS community joined in prayer and gratitude for these brothers, giving thanks to God for the gift of vocation and asking for His continued guidance in their journey of faith and vocation.

May the Lord through the intercession of St. John Baptist Scalabrini bless them and make them his inspiring instruments in their new ministries in serving and proclaiming the Word of God as Acolytes and Lectors. Amen
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