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Priestly Ordination in Vietnam: Two New Vietnamese Priests for the Scalabrinian Family

With heartfelt gratitude to the Lord for the gift of Scalabrinian vocation, the Congregation of St. Charles-Scalabrinians joyfully welcomes two young Vietnamese priests into the Scalabrinian family.

On July 29, 2024, Most Rev. Peter Nguyen Van Vien, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Vinh, ordained Rev. John Baptist Phan Van Hoa, CS to the priesthood at Cam Truong Parish in the Vinh Diocese, Vietnam. Concelebrating with him were Cardinal Silvano Maria Tomasi, CS, several Scalabrinian priests, the parish priest, and other clergy from the diocese. The ordination was attended by his parents, relatives, friends, and many parishioners. Rev. John Baptist Phan Van Hoa, CS has been assigned to St. Frances Cabrini Province. After his ordination, he will spend time with his family before beginning his first missionary assignment in the Province.

Similarly, on July 25, 2024, Rev. John Baptist Ho Duc Thuc, CS was ordained through the laying on of hands by Bishop Tomas Aquinas Vu Dinh Hieu, D.D., Bishop of Bui Chu Diocese, Vietnam. The ordination took place at 9:00 a.m. at Xuan Loc Parish in Ban Me Thuot Diocese. Cardinal Silvano Maria Tomasi, CS, and several Scalabrinian priests concelebrated the ordination Mass, joined by Rev. Thuc’s parents, relatives, friends, and numerous parishioners. After spending time with his family, Rev. Thuc will return to his Province for his first missionary assignment.

Let us pray for Rev. Fr. Thuc, CS and Rev. Fr. Hoa, CS that through the intercession of St. Scalabrini, they may become good shepherds of God for the migrants.

St. Scalabrini – Pray for us.

SFCP Media Office

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