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September 27, 2024 - Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

From September 24 - 27, 2024, twenty five young Scalabrinian missionaries of the St. Frances Cabrini Province gathered together at the Lovers of The Holy Cross, Khiet Tam, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam for the Under 10-year-ordination Meeting. Apologies from 10 priests who could not attend due to different reasons.

At the beginning, the Provincial Superior welcomed the participants and gave some remarks on the importance of the sense of belonging to the Scalabrinian Congregation and the identification with the Founder. He recognised and appreciated the positive aspects of these young priests and deacons that have contributed in the missions with enthusiastic, vibrant, creative, and lively participation in their mission assignments. These positive attributes fill us with pride and hope for the future of our Province. In addition, the Provincial Superior invited the young confreres to overcome the challenges that they are facing or will face in a personal and community level. At the same time, he emphasized the recommendations with the view that the young confreres can be more affective in the service to the migrants, refugees, seafarers and itinerant people through ensuring their spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

During these days, the young confreres had time to share these reflections on the two talks that they heard. The first talk was about integrating the gap between the elderly and young confreres in community life and mission. The second talk, was about psycho-spiritual growth, integrating emotions. They also shared in groups lights and shadows in community life toward a fraternal community.

This meeting was a beautiful encounter of young confreres in the Province to strengthen the bond of brotherhood, to share mission experiences and to encourage one another to live out the charism to serve the migrants inspired by the holy Founder, St. John Baptist Scalabrini.

SFCP Media Office

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